Dial thermometers / Industry version
Type KombiTemp® K83
- High measuring reliability due to two independent measuring points
- Fast detection of faulty sensors or dial thermometers in the plant to be checked
- Low installation costs, advantages of the dial thermometer
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KombiTemp® K 8312 dial thermometers are the ideal solution for combined exhaust gas temperature measurement in large diesel engines.
SIKA offers two different versions for common Diesel engine types: Version 1 for 4-stroke engines and version 2 for 2-stroke engines.
The dial thermometer indicates the temperature on site, while the integrated sensor provides the basis for the corresponding signal to be transmitted to the control station. Measuring at the same point saves costs and ensures consistent temperature values on both the on-site display and the ship's electronic system.
Further features:
• double temperature measurement at one measuring point
• consistent display values of the dial thermometer and temperature sensor
• with thermocouple type K
• Suitable solid protection tube available
• customised variants possible
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