Positive displacement flow sensors with connection plate / Stainless steel casing
Type VZ VA
- Highly accurate measurement with excellent repeatability
- HT version for temperatures up to 150 °C with thermally insulated preamplifier (option)
- Various casing and sealing materials. Universally applicable for different media to be measured
- Standard process connection via connection plates. Quickly replaceable without long process interruption
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The SIKA gearwheel volume sensors are suitable for the detection of volumetric flows with high as well as varying viscosity in the following areas of application, among others:
• consumption measurement
• control of filling processes
• dosing of oils and chemicals
• detection of paints / varnishes
A very precisely fitted pair of gearwheels inside the housing forms the measuring unit. The inflowing medium sets the gearwheel pair in rotation. The rotary movement is scanned by sensors without contact. Since each individual tooth generates a pulse, this results in a very high resolution. Thus, even the smallest volumes can be precisely measured or dosed.
To obtain a 2-channel flow-proportional frequency signal, two sensors are installed in the measuring unit (offset by ¼ tooth pitch). With appropriate further processing of the signal, one obtains an even higher resolution and the possibility of detecting the direction of flow.
The maximum pressure drop should not exceed 16 bar. This limits the measuring range for highly viscous media (see pressure drop diagrams).
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